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Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Here you can find edifying and empowering Bible studies written by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. You can find a selection of their multi-part studies here or you can register to receive the latest study right in your inbox about every two weeks!

With decades of combined ministry, both have been able to perfect many messages on evangelism, but also it has given them insight into how God works – particularly in the areas of faith, the Holy Spirit, and discovering God’s will.

You will be blessed as well as challenged by each of these studies. This is fresh manna from the throne and we encourage you to prayerfully study along with Daniel Kolenda and to share each insightful study with those you know.

Excerpt from “Living a Life of Fire”

My Word in Your Mouth

I believe so strongly that God is the worker of miracles for his people. I believe the signs that followed Jesus as He walked the earth could – and should – be true in our lives today. But I was not seeing miracles in Maseru (Lesotho) and it distressed me.

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Bible Study

As You Go, Preach!

As evangelists, it's important to understand that healing and miracles are not a side issue for us. They are a core component of what we do and who we are. They are part of the Gospel. Healing is a part of the Gospel.

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Bible Study

How to Keep What You Catch

If we want to keep what we catch, we must be people who will take Him at His word and obey. We must be people who love one another, who operate as one body in supernatural unity. That’s how we bring the whole catch to Jesus!

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Learning to live by faith

When Reinhard Bonnke was a young man, he answered the call of God on his life. Leaving his home in Germany, he travelled to Wales to attend Swansea Bible College, known for its sound theology and emphasis on evangelism and missionary work. Despite his broken English in those early days, and without a cent to his name, he knew this was where the Lord had told him to get the training he needed. And the lessons he learnt there went far beyond theology…

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The real fight is the one you can’t see!

Spiritual Warfare Demystified

If you’ve ever ridden a bicycle, you probably already know that you can feel a hill, even if you can’t see it. Some grades are too subtle to be observed. But your legs don’t lie. They know when progress is hard and when it is easy. They can feel even the slightest elevation that resists their effort.

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The actual harvest is always greater than any single seed.

Seed Faith in Famine

You and I know that the world is going through turbulent times. There’s a spiritual, material, and moral famine in the land. We are experiencing unprecedented shortages, unruly outbreaks, unparalleled increases, and unpredictable disruptions of services.

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What keeps you silent about faith?

The Simplicity of Sharing the Gospel

We must overcome our fears to share the gospel. So the next question is, how? Here are four principles for overcoming fear, and five tips for…

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How does God do the impossible?

Agents of Omnipotence

Thousands fed from one lad’s lunch-box! Christ’s greatest miracle over nature. It was a divine spectacular with a message of dynamic hope for us all. Christ took five barley loaves and two fish and satisfied the hunger of over five thousand men plus an unknown number of women and children. Leaving aside Jesus’ healing ministry, this was undoubtedly His greatest and most awesome miracle. The event is so important that it is described in all four Gospels.

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It's time for us to change the way we think

The Gates of Hell will not Prevail

Every single one of us can think of something difficult they are facing, or a situation in the world that looks dire and dreadful. Sometimes, when you read the news, it can be overwhelming. It seems there is evil on every side, and in this age of communication, we know all about it, all the time. It can be tempting to think that the world is in the worst state it’s ever been – and how are we to react? What are we to do? How are we to be?

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Stand in Your Pea Patch

Live Before You Die - Part 8

We’ve been talking a lot about God’s will for your life. But remember that the devil also has a plan for you, and his plan is to make you ineffective and unfruitful. He would love for you to park your combine harvester to chase mice. If he cannot block you, he will try to derail you. He will try to distract you from your assignment. Ignore him. Keep your eyes on the prize, keep fighting in the middle of your field, and run your race in such a way that you will win!

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