Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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October 10, 2021 • Day 5

High Water! - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Final Day

Once again, a new high-water mark has been made! Tonight, we concluded the fifth night of Operation Decapolis - six crusades in six areas lasting five nights each (thirty nights of crusades) - all in one week! In addition, we conducted two weeks of "Gospel Invasion" leading up to the crusades, where Bootcamp graduates conducted hundreds of outreaches in the area. In all, we documented 210,553 decisions for Christ here in Dar es Salaam! Hallelujah!!

October 9, 2021 • Day 4

The Same Jesus - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Day 4

I've just returned from preaching not one but two crusades tonight, in two different parts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The first was in an area known as Kigamboni, where Evangelists Randy Roberts and Joe Turnbull are stationed. The second was in a place called Mbagala, where Evangelists Robert Enge and Dr. Roselyne Ayeola are stationed. These are two of six CfaN crusades ongoing this week in Dar es Salaam SIMULTANEOUSLY! In each Crusade, the Gospel is being preached. In each Crusade, multitudes are being saved. In each Crusade, tonight, the Holy Spirit fell as each evangelist prayed for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit!

October 8, 2021 • Day 3

The Day of Power! Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Day 3

I wish that you could see with your own eyes what is happening here in Dar es Salaam. It is absolutely astonishing and supernatural. I honestly do not have the words to adequately describe it. There is truly a MOVEMENT of evangelism and harvest taking place.

October 7, 2021 • Day 2

Walking, Leaping and Praising God! - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Night 2

Tonight I preached in the second of six cities where CfaN crusades are ongoing simultaneously this week. The area, known as Gongo La Mboto, is where Evangelists Daniel Garcia and Lukas Repert are stationed (both graduates of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp). After I preached the Gospel, they ministered to the sick. Many amazing miracles happened, but especially many cripples were healed.

October 6, 2021 • Day 1

Jesus Making History! - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Night 1

Our third "Operation Decapolis" Campaign began here in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, tonight. Over the next 5 nights, we will be conducting 6 simultaneous crusades in 6 different areas of the city. Dar es Salaam is the largest city in Tanzania, very densely populated and very spread out. Traveling from one side of the city to the other can take many hours. This means that a crusade in one part of the city would be unreachable for the rest of the population living in other areas. The solution the Lord has given us to this (and many other problems) is to hold these multiple simultaneous crusades, which together will allow us to reach almost the entire population!

September 26, 2021 • 6 campaigns, 6 cities – in 5 days!

Countdown to Decapolis

It feels like we’ve only just shaken the dust from our shoes from the last Operation Decapolis in June, and already we’re just days away from the next one. This time, we will be holding six campaigns simultaneously, another level up for our teams. Our previous record was in June, when we held five campaigns at the same time in five different cities in Tanzania.

September 7, 2021 • Sign Up Free

Live Before You Die Bible Study

We are living in the season of harvest and fulfillment. Dreams we’ve longed to see are coming to pass as we reach multitudes with the Gospel. I believe it is also time for YOU to fulfill the dreams of God on YOUR life, and I want to help you do just that.

In this interactive Bible Study with video teachings, I draw from Scripture and share my own experiences to help you discover and follow God's call.

August 25, 2021 • Registration

Evangelism Training with Scott McNamara

Scott McNamara Director of Evangelism for Nations Church, would like to personally invite you to be part of the Jesus at the Door Evangelism Made Easy experience.

August 13, 2021 • Nations Church Launch Service

Nations Church: Launch Service Livestream

THIS SUNDAY is the historic launch of Nations Church!
We want to personally invite you to join Daniel Kolenda, Eddie James, Eric Gilmour, Jenny Weaver, and many others who are part of our amazing church launch!

August 5, 2021 • Vision Letter

A Personal Word From Daniel Kolenda

It’s hard for me to express the way I feel right now. I’m filled with excitement, wonder, and eager anticipation – like a child on Christmas Eve, but much more complicated. I have a sense that we’re living in a historic moment. I feel like we’re being swept along by a torrent of Holy Spirit momentum, and I’m just trying to keep my head above water!