Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Latest News

June 25, 2017 • Final Day

A Witchdoctor Receives Jesus!

Our Gospel Crusade has just come to an end here in Harare, Zimbabwe. Despite the bitter cold weather, the attendance almost doubled over last night! The government minister of religion attended two of the evening meetings this week. It is an epic event in this region that has gotten lots of attention. The services are being broadcasted on the radio. It seems everyone has heard of what is going on.

June 23, 2017 • Day 2

Deadly Accidents!

Tonight, on our way home from the meeting, we passed three terrible accidents. An epidemic of drunk driving causes many deadly crashes here. I’ve never seen anything like it.

June 22, 2017 • Day 1

Back After 30 Years

Tonight, was the first meeting of our Gospel campaign here in Harare, Zimbabwe. The weather is quite cold here – only 3° C (about 37° F). It’s quite amazing that the people came out in such cold conditions, both in the morning and night, to stand outside for hours! It is a remarkable demonstration of the tremendous hunger here.

June 21, 2017 • Arrival

Hungry for a Move of God

The people of Harare, Zimbabwe are hungry for a move of God.

May 1, 2017 • Azusa Now Cleveland

Daniel Kolenda and Lou Engle Partner for National Crusade in Cleveland

(Press Release) Evangelist Daniel Kolenda of Christ for all Nations will be partnering with Lou Engle in a Night of Prayer and Salvation at the Azusa Now prayer gathering in Cleveland, Ohio (July 22-23, 2017), a free event open to the public.

April 28, 2017 • About

Harare, Zimbabwe

Harare is the capital and most populous city in Zimbabwe, with nearly 3 million people in the metropolitan area and millions more in the region. The city was originally founded as Fort Salisbury in 1980, but was renamed to Harare in 1982.

April 26, 2017 • Decision Cards

Salvation Responses from Daloa, Ivory Coast!

We received the news that during the 4 days of meetings in our Gospel Campaign in Daloa, Ivory Coast, 101,376 people registered decisions for Jesus Christ!

March 26, 2017 • Final Day

Above and Beyond

The final meeting of our Gospel Crusade in Daloa, Ivory Coast, has come to a glorious conclusion just a few minutes ago. It was above and beyond all expectation. Rather than writing a lengthy report, I recorded this message for you from the field. I’m sure you will be so blessed:

March 25, 2017 • Day 3

One of the Most Precious Moments of My Life

I don’t even want to try to describe the atmosphere tonight. Words just don’t suffice. Even this video doesn’t do it justice, but you really should take a minute to watch this short clip that I recorded from my cell phone while standing on the platform after praying for the sick and praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If this is not “joy unspeakable and full of glory” then I don’t know what is.

March 24, 2017 • Day 2

Showers of Blessings

Our Fire Conference started this morning at 6:00 AM – before the sun had risen! We are amazed by the hunger of these pastors and leaders, who would come out so early, many of them walking for miles to reach the site. They are hungry for the Word of God and for a touch from Heaven.