Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Latest News

November 12, 2020 • Day 1

IT BEGINS!!! - "Operation Decapolis"

What has happened tonight has been the culmination of more than two years of planning in obedience to the word of the Lord!

November 11, 2020 • Arrival

Ready for the Harvest in Tanzania

We have organized five Gospel Crusades for the next two weeks in Tanzania! Hear from Gary Smith, one of the guest evangelists speaking in Shinyanga!

November 5, 2020 • About


Daniel Kolenda and the CfaN Team are returning to Tanzania for our first Decapolis Initiative. There, we will conduct FIVE gospel crusades in a timespan of less than two weeks. This is going to be unlike anything we’ve done before! You can keep up with everything happening during this crucial two-week-outreach and help support this Decade of Double Harvest here.

November 2, 2020 • New Podcast

New Podcast - Daniel Kolenda: Off the Record

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda has recently launched a brand new podcast, "OFF THE RECORD." Search for it on your favorite podcast app or watch on Youtube! Visit ASKDK.COM for more!

October 28, 2020 • Mark Your Calendars

Fire Conference 2021 - The Come Back!

On January 28th-30th we are holding a historic gathering in Orlando, Florida. We have invited anointed preachers and teachers like: Todd White, Eric Gilmour, Brian Guerin, Michael Koulianos and others to join Daniel Kolenda and our CfaN team – along with anointed worship from Eddie James, Leonard Jones, Jenny Weaver and Naomi Akuchie-Cantwell. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS unforgettable time of prayer, worship, powerful ministry and life-changing impartation.

October 13, 2020 • Pre-Order Today

Slaying Dragons Limited Edition by Daniel Kolenda

An extremely limited number of this unique, black-cover edition are being printed. Slaying Dragons is a practical guide to spiritual warfare. In Slaying Dragons, you will take a deep dive into the following subjects: Angels and Demons in the Bible, Where the Dragon Gets His Power, The Cosmic Battle, Spiritual Warfare Demystified, How to Kill Your Pet Dragon, Casting Out Demons, and much more!
"It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture as we focus on our everyday struggles. But our daily battles are part of a much bigger war and we have been given all we need to win."
— Daniel Kolenda

October 5, 2020 • Week 3

Bootcamp Initiation - Week 3 – Tanzania

See reports from the third and final week of the CfaN Bootcamp Initiation Trip.

September 25, 2020 • Week 2

Bootcamp Initiation - Week 2 – Tanzania

See reports from week 2 directly from the Bootcamp graduates as many are giving their hearts to the Lord!

September 14, 2020 • Week 1

Bootcamp Initiation - Week 1 - Tanzania

See all of this week's images and reports directly from the Bootcamp graduates as they preach the Gospel and pray for the sick in Tanzania.

September 1, 2020 • Slaying Dragons

Slaying Dragons 8-Week Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda

Starting on Friday, September 4, 2020, we are going to study the topic of spiritual warfare for the next EIGHT WEEKS.

The supernatural realm is very real, and it directly impacts our day-to-day lives. Often spiritual battles lie behind our everyday struggles. Though the spiritual world is invisible, we are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes. Through God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit we are equipped to be more than conquerors through Christ!

By the end of this FREE, 8-week, series, you will have a clearer understanding of spiritual warfare and what you can do to slay every dragon you encounter!