Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Latest News

August 5, 2020 • Operation Fresh Milk

What Comes After the Altar Call?

As we prepare for our upcoming campaigns later this year and into 2021, I wanted to share with you a great opportunity where you can directly impact the lives of potentially millions!

In our massive campaigns, our job is NOT FINISHED when people raise their hands to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but that’s where it all BEGINS – with OPERATION FRESH MILK 2020!

When you read the words of Jesus where He gave us what is commonly called ‘The Great Commission’ (Matthew 28:19 & 20) - you immediately see that our job isn’t finished with “soul-winning.” The Lord instructs us to “make disciples of all the nations” . . .“baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” . . . “teaching them to obey ALL the things I have commanded . . .”

When we make an altar call in Africa, we do not ask the people to come forward as the crowds are too large. That’s why we position hundreds of trained counselors from local churches all over the campaign grounds to connect with every person who personally responds to the invitation to be “Saved” and “Born-Again.”

July 1, 2020 • Evangelism Boot Camp 2021

Equipping Evangelists for a Decade of Double Harvest

If you are called into evangelism, especially mass evangelistic crusades in the nations, what I’m about to share with you is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will never come around again! I’m looking for a small, elite group to train this coming year - this coming January.

June 5, 2020 • CfaN Bootcamp Graduation-Class of 2020

Watch the historic Bootcamp Graduation!

Tonight you can join Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Keynote Speaker: Benny Hinn LIVE for the historical Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp Graduation

You may have heard how for the past 6 months, Christ for all Nations and guest speakers imparted and trained more than 50 evangelists with hands-on experience at our ministry headquarters in Orlando, Florida! These incredible men and women of God from literally around the world have successfully made it through the intense training.

Find out how can you watch LIVE tonight on Facebook and YouTube!

May 29, 2020 • Daniel Kolenda Live

Covid-19 Prophetic Panel

Join Evangelist Daniel Kolenda for a Covid-19 Prophetic Panel with Patricia King, Brian Guerin, Elizabeth Tiam-Fook, and Jamie Galloway LIVE on Facebook and YouTube. You can watch at 6pm LIVE on Friday, May 29 and at 6pm LIVE on Saturday, May 30th.

Controversial questions will be discussed such as:
-Where have the prophets been?
-Did the body of Christ miss something?
-How should believers prepare for the future?
-What is the consensus among prophets for the current crisis?

Enjoy this previously recorded message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and worship with Roy Fields. We will also be praying for your needs LIVE! Click below for the links on where to watch!

May 21, 2020 • Hear CfaN's strategy for ushering in the greatest harvest in history!

Daniel Kolenda shares "A Tale of Three Dreams"

On Friday Evangelist Daniel Kolenda will, for the first time, share the full vision and strategy of the Decade of Double Harvest. We believe that the execution of this God-given vision and specific strategy will bring about the greatest harvest of souls in history. You will not want to miss this enlightening and inspiring time where Daniel Kolenda reveals “A Tale of Three Dreams.”

May 21, 2020 • Begins on Friday May 22

New Bible Study, "Wilderness Survival Guide"!

In this FREE, 14-part, weekly email study, you will learn practical, spiritual, survival skills and strong, scriptural insights that will help you make it through your wilderness into your land of Destiny. I share on how Jesus can bring you through your "wilderness" times and experience the power of the Holy Spirit. In this unique and insightful series, you will learn why we experience wilderness times and how we should respond to them.THE WILDERNESS SURVIVAL GUIDE email series will begin on FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2020, so click "READ MORE" below and SIGN UP TODAY to ensure you receive each of these timely messages!

May 15, 2020 • Live with Heidi Baker!

Live with Heidi Baker!

Get ready for a timely message from Heidi Baker on standing firm in Christ Friday at 6pm EDT! So many are scared to shine the light of Jesus and break out from hiding their faith. We are to be set free from fear! It’s easy during these times to feel fearful, but we need to plant ourselves in the truth of God’s word and believe that fear has no hold on us - letting our shine even brighter for the Gospel!

You will also enjoy worship with Lindell Cooley and receive prayer when you watch LIVE at 6pm EDT. Click below for the links to watch it LIVE or the re-broadcast on Monday at 12pm EDT!

May 13, 2020 • Jovita's Testimony

When witch doctors failed, Jesus did not!

You continue to be on our hearts as we navigate this current crisis together. We are praying for you! We wanted to share another powerful story of healing and hope with you. This is the testimony of Jovita Bishagize, who, after 36 years of deafness, was completely healed during a Christ for all Nations crusade! After hospitals and even witch-doctors had failed her, she turned to God for help …

May 8, 2020 • Daniel Kolenda Live

Special Mother's Day Service

Don’t miss a special MOTHER'S DAY Service LIVE on Friday at 6pm EDT with special guests, Rebekah Kolenda,
Peter and Evangeline Vandenberg. Hear a message from Evangeline Vandenberg, a LIVE Q&A session, worship, and more surprises! Click READ MORE for the link to watch this special Mother's Day Service LIVE or to watch the re-broadcast!

May 7, 2020 • "I went through Hell"

Triumphant Testimony of Elizabeth Joe

While there are many challenges in front of all of us right now, there are also great triumphs as well. So, this week I wanted to share with you the triumphant testimony of Elizabeth Joe. As you'll see, she had faced eighteen years of agonizing pain. Elizabeth literally calls it “hell.” Watch the video testimony now!